Cedar Park Jazz Sponsorship



Cedar Park Jazz is the event of the summer with thousands of attendees throughout the series. Held each Friday in June and July, it brings people of all ages to the heart of Cedar Park.

Sponsoring is a great way to reach thousands of people in a hyper-local West Philly community. Many are repeat sponsors because it is so good for business! Real estate agents, professional services, retail spaces, art and music centers, and restaurants have previously sponsored. Your sponsorship is tax-deductible and any level of donation will be a benefit this year to ensure our sustainability.

You’ll reach thousands of people who live and work around Cedar Park

In-person: 300+ attendees per event across 8 events
Weekly Newsletter: 1,200 subscribers
Facebook page: 1,400+ followers
Facebook group: 5,100+ members

Your sponsorship is tax-deductible and any level of donation will be a benefit this year to ensure our sustainability. 

If you are interested and want to learn more, please email Jazz@cedarparkneighbors.org



You will be formally thanked on the cedarparkneighbors.org Jazz Sponsorship Page.



  • Your name and logo will be displayed in SMALL on printed materials, including a banner to be posted in the park itself for the duration of the series. 

  • Your business name and link to your website will be included in our weekly newsletter.

  • You will be formally thanked on the cedarparkneighbors.org Jazz Sponsorship Page.



  • You will be named as a sponsor by emcee at each concert, and may distribute promotional materials at any time during the series. 

  • Your logo displayed in MEDIUM on printed materials, including a banner to be posted in the park itself for the duration of the series. 

  • Your business with links and tags will be included in Facebook events, the Cedar Park Neighbors Facebook page, and the CPN Forum Facebook group

  • Your business name and link to your website will be included in our weekly email newsletter.

  • You will be formally thanked on the cedarparkneighbors.org Jazz Sponsorship Page.

Fifteen spots available.



  • During a performance of your choosing, you may display your organization’s banners on either side of the stage and address the crowd at intermission (on a first-come, first-serve basis). 

  • You will be named as a sponsor by the emcee at each concert, and you may distribute promotional materials at any time during the series. 

  • Your logo displayed in LARGE on printed materials, including a banner to be posted in the park itself for the duration of the series. 

  • Your business name, short about section, and link to your website will be included in our weekly email newsletter.

  • Your business with links and tags will be included in Facebook events, the Cedar Park Neighbors Facebook page, and the CPN Forum Facebook group

  • You will be formally thanked on the cedarparkneighbors.org Jazz Sponsorship Page.

Eight spots available.

If you are interested and want to learn more, please email Jazz@cedarparkneighbors.org